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I am a 22 year old American living in Jerusalem. I moved here shortly after my college graduation to spend a year learning Jewish texts and familiarizing myself with Israel. Coming here, I expected...
View ArticleFrench instead of English
When you watch the news and learn that something terrible has happened, it is easy to gauge the disaster by how many people were killed. You can classify it even more by which people were affected....
View ArticleOn The Way To Sulha
I think it was during high school that Rabbi Gabi Meyer came to Boulder, and spoke about his work creating peace in Israel. I remember being enthralled. He is an incredible being. I remember that at...
View ArticleMishpatim
Today I had the most wonderful pleasure–I got to read from the Torah in the Egalitarian Minyan at Pardes. It happened almost by accident. As the gabbait for the minyan, I neglected to ask people to...
View ArticleSpeak Up
I am a 22 year old American living in Jerusalem. I moved here shortly after my college graduation to spend a year learning Jewish texts and familiarizing myself with Israel. Coming here, I expected...
View ArticleFrench instead of English
When you watch the news and learn that something terrible has happened, it is easy to gauge the disaster by how many people were killed. You can classify it even more by which people were affected....
View ArticleOn The Way To Sulha
I think it was during high school that Rabbi Gabi Meyer came to Boulder, and spoke about his work creating peace in Israel. I remember being enthralled. He is an incredible being. I remember that at...
View ArticleMishpatim
Today I had the most wonderful pleasure–I got to read from the Torah in the Egalitarian Minyan at Pardes. It happened almost by accident. As the gabbait for the minyan, I neglected to ask people to...
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